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Dodecatheon meadia 'Red Colors'

Dodecatheon meadia 'Red Colors'

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Shooting star, sometimes called American cowslip, is a spring ephemeral wildflower from the Primula family. They have primula-like habit, smooth green leaves, and cyclamen-like blooms. This US native is generally found growing in moist meadows, prairies, or open woodlands. Easy to grow in the garden in part shade in moist but well-drained soil. Best used in the shady native plant garden, alpine garden, woodland garden, or for naturalizing. Plants go summer dormant.

'Red Colors' bloom in vibrant shades of red, which are darker than the species.

Distinctions: Winner of an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticulture Society.

Zones: 3 to 7

Family: Primulaceae

Type: Perennial

Height: 12 to 18 in.

Spread: 8 to 12 in.

Exposure: part-shade, bright full shade, light shade

Soil Conditions: avoid lime, moist, average, humus rich, fertile

Bloom Time: May to June

Bloom Color: Red Shades

Native Range: eastern half of the United States

expected early September

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