Eryngium yuccifolium
Eryngium yuccifolium
- Order now for local pickup OR fall shipping. Shipping will resume in early September, weather dependent.
Sea Hollies are architectural plants that are of great value to pollinators. They are drought tolerant and grow happily in any sunny location with well-drained soil. A touch of lime is much appreciated.
Rattlesnake Master is native across most of the eastern United States all the way to east Texas. It has prickly, evergreen (evergrey?) lance-like grey-green leaves that resemble yucca. White flowers top tall stems.
Zones: 3 to 9
Family: Apiaceae
Type: Herbaceous Perennial
Height: 48 to 60 in.
Spread: 24 to 36 in.
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Conditions: Dry, Gritty, Well-drained, Average
Bloom Time: July to September
Native Range: most of the eastern United States, from southern Ontario and Florida west to Iowa, Kansas, and eastern Texas
Image Credits:
- Images 1-2 Ali McEnhill at the Old Dairy
- Image 3 (with common buckeye) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons